The Elementary School Years

Changes you will begin to see in your 7 to 10-year-old

You've made it through diapers, through potty training, through preschool and learning to read - now your child is ready for more independence, homework, and friendships.
By age 10, your child is likely to show signs of:
- Greater independence from parents and family
- Stronger sense of right and wrong
- Beginning awareness of the future
- Growing understanding about one's place in the world
- More attention to friendships and teamwork
- Growing desire to be liked and accepted by friends
- Rapid development of mental skills - continues to improve reading and writing
- Greater ability to describe experiences and talk about thoughts and feelings
- Less focus on one's self and more concern for others
- Stronger, more complex friendships and peer relationships (greater importance on having friends of the same sex)
- Experiencing more peer pressure
- Becoming more independent from the family
- Becoming more aware of his or her body as puberty approaches (be aware that image and eating problems sometimes start around this age)
- Facing more academic challenges at school